I had a wonderful time covering Laura & Greg’s wedding in Bloomington on August 12. It’s always fun to visit my old stomping grounds at Indiana University, especially while doing the very type of work I went to school for, let alone at the very same church I attended as a student. It gave me the feeling of coming full circle, as did the less upbeat thought that I’m finally “old” enough in theory to have kids enrolling there now. (Fortunately, coming home to a couple of kindergarteners always helps to shave a few years off that perception – for now.) It was nice to work with some unfamiliar faces, like the good-natured yet utterly professional photographer Kip May and bridal consultant/florist Cathy Teeters, who took Laura’s unique vision for the reception and brought it to life at the Bloomington Convention Center. It was also a pleasant surprise to see the Wendy Reed Band there, as neither Wendy nor myself knew we’d be working together that night. The Love Story video that I created for the reception was a big hit as well, and it was a relief to watch everyone laugh and cry in all the right places.
During the week that followed, I finally received a song selection for the highlight segment for Annie & Nick’s June 17 wedding at the Statehouse and reception (first ever!) at the Conrad Hotel. I promptly completed their video, so look for their highlight segment to pop up here shortly. I also completed editing Beth & Jim’s lively July 8 wedding and reception that took place in South Bend. I mentioned earlier that they were probably the most fun-loving couple I’ve worked with, and that will definitely come across in their highlight segment, which is also forthcoming.
On the homefront, the boys all started school last week, which doesn’t change anything around here, but definitely gives my wife Chris a huge daily break from their craziness. What a good sport! I took my 8-year-old son Matthew to the “American Idols Live” concert Thursday at the State Fairgrounds. Like the rest of America, I’ve followed the show since the Kelly Clarkson days, but Matthew didn’t get hooked on it until this season. Chris and Taylor have been his favorites, and they certainly didn’t disappoint with their performances. As a whole, I’d say the show was – like the food we ate at the fair beforehand – a guilty pleasure.
Then my own tour continued this past Saturday, as I drove down to the Evansville area to cover Jordan and Matthew’s wedding. It’s not a quick drive – three hours minimum – but the perfect scheduling of the events allowed me to avoid having to stay overnight down there. Apparently, many others felt the couple was worth the drive as well, as about 400 guests made the trip, including a busload of the bride’s family from Minnesota. Despite the hot and humid conditions, spirits were high, and the hayride getaway provided the huge wedding party a memorable and slow-paced opportunity to cool down with a few beers before the reception at Hullman Hall.

Events by Design, Chris Robb of Waldek Photography and DJ Steve Goldstein of Sound Spectrum:
Omni Severin on June 23:
I shot Kim & Dave’s wedding and reception at the
Oak Hill Mansion last weekend, which is always a pleasure because of my long history of working there, my acquaintance with the Zehrs from church, and the location just up the street from our studio. (That they referred the wedding to me was a plus as well!) It was my first outdoor ceremony there, however, as well as my first reception in the big tent, so it managed to remain a novel and refreshing experience. Even the vendors were new faces to me – mostly. Consultant Julie Doyle of D&G Signature Events & Weddings handled the day-of duties and did a superb job taking over the many details that Kim had lined up for her. It was fun becoming familiar with photographer Sue Huffer and her considerable sense of humor, even in the midst of corralling a LOT of grandkids for photos. Finally, there was DJ Randy Pierson of A Night To Remember Entertainment – who was my financial planner ten years ago! I had no idea that he was in the business, but he did a masterful job behind the colsole, and he was every bit as articulate with MC duties as he was at selling mutual funds. Great guy!This week my focus has shifted to editing the July weddings, and I have started work on Beth & Jim’s July 8 wedding in South Bend. I also completed a very ambitious “Love Story” video for this weekend’s couple, Laura & Greg, involving interviews with a dozen of their friends and family members from all over. It was a daunting task distilling two hours of comments into an entertaining presentation with a good narrative flow, but the bride is thrilled with the results, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes over Saturday at the reception. Their wedding is in my old stomping grounds of Bloomington – at the church I attended, no less! Then comes a wedding in the Evansville area the following weekend, followed by a wedding in Cincinnati. FINALLY starting in September, I’ll have ten consecutive weddings in Indy. Nice to know we’re still liked around here! 🙂